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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  April 22, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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s are becoming much more fuel efficient. smaller models are the most popular. we're not really returning to the prerecession gas-guzzlers. eye don't have a gas-guzzler, do you? >> i think hybrids are cool. you can literally see what you're spending. >> as long as you don't get behind one. >> that's just wrong. "early start" continues right now. there is growing frustration in baltimore. a new investigation now into the death of a man mysteriously injured during his arrest. new witnesses are coming forward. protesters they want to know how freddie gray died. >> the silence over yemen. it is over. new fighting inside that war-torn nation. houthi rebels stage a new attack. saudi arabia with a fresh round of bombing. what happened to the idea that the fighting would stop. we have live team coverage breaking down the new developments in what the u.s.
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involvement might be as well. good morning, welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. it is wednesday, april 22nd. it is 5:00 a.m. in the east. christine romans is off today. happening today, a new protest is plans in baltimore at the police station where officers brought 25-year-old freddie gray after arresting him ten days ago. somehow, gray suffered a severe spinal cord injury. one wreak later, on sunday he died. baltimore police have now released the names of the six officers involved in arresting and transportinging gray. all six of these officers are suspended with pay. new witnesses are now coming forward, describing that arrest as baltimore's mayor has vowed to find out what happened leading up to the fatal injury. >> i heard the young man screaming, get off of my neck. get off of my neck. you're hurting my neck. and then two cars pulled up shortly after that. one car door slammed. and then another. and they must have went to him and he started hollering and screaming a little louder.
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and the police said shut the "f" up. >> there can't be any assignment of blame until we know exactly what happened. but we're going to get to the bottom of it. we know while he was in our custody, when he first engaged the police department he was alive. he was breathing. he was responsive. when medical attention came to mr. gray he was unresponsive and not breathing. we're going to figure out what happened. >> mayor stephanie rawlings-blake. and the justice department announced it's opening a civil rights probe. our miguel marquez covering the protests and has the very latest. miguel. >> reporter: john an incredibly emotional evening here in baltimore with up to 2,000 people turning out to see, for the first time the parents of freddie gray who showed up here
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at the western district police station. this is the place where mr. gray was eventually brought after being arrested several blocks away from here. his parents, his mother in particular overwhelmed by grief. they marched from here back over to the place where he was arrested. and at that point, everybody raised their hands in protest. as the family, in a moment of silence, all you could hear is them wail. the neighborhood still focused on this tonight. i'm going to show you a little of what that protest looked like. >> hands up! >> don't shoot! >> i want you to lift those hands as high as you can. i want this to be a sign to the baltimore city police department that this is not an act of surrender. but we're coming as a sign of strength as one unity, one commitment that we will not rest until we get justice for
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freddie gray. >> reporter: and at one point protesters then did start walking through the streets of this area of west baltimore. they tried to grab the mike. they were very very aggressive even towards us. but they weren't angry at the press. they were angry at the police. they were angry at the mayor. they were angry at the government here people saying it's us in this neighborhood what they want now is the six officers who are implicated in this arrested and charged with first degree murder they say they will be back tomorrow night, they'll be back on thursday. they'll go down to city hall they say and stay there until they get justice. john. >> our miguel marquez live for us in baltimore. new this morning, there was supposed to be calm over yemen. saudi arabia had announced it was stopping its nearly month-long bombing campaign over that nation. but breaking this morning, apparently houthi remembers have staged a raid on some kind of base there. and saudi arabia responded by
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dropping bombs. so that calm that we're expecting hasn't happened at least not yet. let's go straight to our senior international correspondent nic robertson and bring us the latest on these developments. good morning, nic. >> reporter: good morning, john the houthis in that south town of taiz was trying to take over that last army base that they didn't control. the saudis brought in air strikes under that base or the houthi attack. the houthis seem to be driven back from that. this is in stark contrast from what they believed. they believed that the houthi had agreed to put down their weapons leave the cities like taiz that they have taken by force over the last month or so. we understand from saudi sources that other parts of that deal like the former president, agreed to leave the country and go into exile. that is believed to have been happening. the defense minister who had been arrested captured by the houthis, he is believed to be being released.
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so some elements of the agreement are in place. of course, that threatens that deal, that cease-fire to the saudi air strikes. we're also learning as well, new developments in the southern port city of macala this is a town that al qaeda had made big gains over the past month, using the chaos to take over army equipment stores. to take over navy vessels. we're learning two u.s. drone strikes they believe have killed six al qaeda fighters there. again, this follows on from a similar strike there on monday. so al qaeda had been taking advantage. everyone's fear and it seems u.s. drone strikes at least targeting some of those al qaeda members in this chaos. >> nic robertson for us. a remarkable range of situations in yemen right now. as nic was saying the bombing campaign still bombing. the houthis still raiding. and the united states with drone strikes in al qaeda which say
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totally separate situation. meanwhile, a tense situation occurs offshore. the u.s. believes an iranian convoy could be carrying weapons bound for the houthi rebels. president barack obama said the u.s. navy is to about sure the free flow of u.s. shipping traffic. >> what we've said to them is if there are weapons delivered to factions within yemen, they could threaten navigaton, that's a problem. and we're not sending them obscure messages. we send them very direct messages about it. >> iran is now calling for humanitarian aid to yemen. and iran said it's backing a political process. the standoff really does only complicate efforts to work out a nuclear deal with iran. those talks, the u.s. iran and other power, they start again in vienna today. i want to bring in our senior
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international correspondent frederik pleitgen inside iran with all of these things going on in yemen, in vienna in the gulf right there. fred, what the the view from where you are? >> reporter: yeah, john you also, of course have the battle against isis as well where the u.s. and iran certainly don't have a common position but they do have a common enemy in that. so there are many moving parts to all of this. and the one thing you can really feel on the ground here in iran is that big lack of trust towards the united states. of course that is something that goes both way. we do have to keep in mind that the situation in yemen right now certainly could be a problem for nuclear negotiations as you said they are set to resume today in vienna. one of the big things that the iranians have told us they say from their point of view as far as the nuclear negotiations are concerned, the main thing is the sanctions.
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they wanted sanctions to go away. they say that they're also looking very closely at the nuclear negotiations because they believe a good deal if it holds if it comes into place, and if it holds could really improve the feeling between these two sides also on a military level. let's listen in to what the commander of iran's ground forces told me. >> translator: at the moment we consider the united states to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us. we would like the u.s. to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in u.s. military leadership. >> reporter: now, at the same time as you said there is also the situation in yemen. and that is one that's certainly complicating things between the u.s. and iran earlier today. the speaker of iran's parliament he went on tv and he praised the yemenis for resistance to the saudis.
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and that's making something difficult. the standoff at sea is something that the iranians are not taking well. they said they never had intentions to deliver weapons to the houthis. of course, u.s. officials don't buy that at this point. >> frederik pleitgen inside tehran. thanks fred. the full senate could debate as early as today that would give congress power to weigh in on any nuclear deal with iran. they approved a compromise version of the bill. president obama had promised a veto before the compromise. that compromise gives congress 30 dice look at an agreement. the president plans to sign the agreement if there are no big changes. attorney general eric holder announced that the head of the drug enforcement agency michele leonhart is now retiring. she's been under investigation since dea were accused of paying
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for prostitutions. and they had a bipartisan statement of no confidence. she has led the dea since 2007. eric holder is still in office because his proposed replacement loretta lynch is still waiting for don firmation. her nomination has been held up for months over an unrelated senate controversy over a human trafficking bill. that controversy finally appears to have been resolved. mitch mcconnell expects to announce a compromise bill that would clear the way for a vote to confirm the attorney general nominee. loretta lynch will be the first african-american woman to lead the justice department. new details this morning about a huge ice cream recall. alison kosik here. >> this seems to be more serious. the outbreak of listeria linked to the ice cream has been going on since 2010.
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that's what the cdc is saying. the company has been gradually recalling certain items for weeks but what happened this week blue bell recalled every product sold in 23 states because of the potential health risks. three people in kansas have died and ten others have gotten sick in the past year likely linked to bacteria from blue bell products. so everybody wants to know how did the listeria get into the ice cream. it actually did not get into the milk. listeria can travel on nuts and live for years in the factory like drains and pipes. that's exactly, john what the cdc thinks happened here. >> and they pulled everything off. a want you to look the a picture of the boston marathon bomber trial. that's tsarnaev. these are the pictures that the jury saw. but there was another picture that caused drama in the courtroom. what dzhokhar tsarnaev showed the camera and what this now means for the likelihood that he
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could face the death penalty next. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at ♪ ♪ when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. i'm a bull rider make it part of your daily diabetes plan. so you stay steady ahead.
2:14 am
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ma will the jury see today? impassioned arguments in the sentencing phase of the boston marathon bombing trial. a jury must decide if convicted killer dzhokhar tsarnaev will get the death penalty. the prosecution opened in dramatic fashion portraying tsarnaev as a cold-blooded killer and america's most nightmare. they were shown a picture. the courtroom saw a picture that people are still talking about today in boston. let's get the latest from cnn national correspondent alexandra field. >> reporter: john uncaring untouching unrepentant, that's how prosecutors described dzhokhar tsarnaev in the opening penalty phase of this trial. they ended opening statements showing a picture of tsarnaev giving the middle finger to a security camera in his holding cell at the federal courthouse several months after the bombing. prosecutors told the jury he was determined and destined to be
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america's most nightmare. the jury has found him guilty of the deaths of krystle campbell lindsey lu 8-year-old martin richard. as they make their case for a death sentence prosecutors have already called three bombing survivors to testify in this phase of the trial along with krystle campbell's brother and her father. he told jurors his daughter gave him a hug every day. and that issis what he misses most today. john. disturbing details emerging about a suspected terrorist the fbi now says that abdirahman sheikh mohamoud ventured the deserts of syria. his goal was to join his brother in al nusra. an al qaeda affiliate there.
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ma mohamud pleaded not guilty. and watch this confrontation between a deputy and a u.s. marshal and a woman, caught on video, watch. >> to recap what you saw the deputy u.s. marshal snapped beatrice paez's cell phone. smashed. the video was taken by an onlooker. the confrontation happened sunday. peace and the aclu maintain that her constitutional rights were violated. a judge has given robert
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bates permission to vacation in the bahamas. bates leaded not guilty to second degree manslaughter. at a court hearing, the judge granted bates' decision to go on an island vacation with his family. that outraged the family of eric harris. they say it sends a message of amp passenger for the life of the victim. >> the nba and nhl playoffs. but it has fans in a friendy. find out when your team will lose to the patriots. "bleacher report" next. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the
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depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. the traffic jam. scourge of 20th century city life. raiser of blood pressure. disrupter of supply chains. stealer of bedtime stories. polluter. frustrater. time thief. [cars honking] and one day soon we'll see the last one ever. cisco is building the internet of everything for connected cities today, that will confine the traffic jam to yesterday. cisco... ...tomorrow starts here. new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years.
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all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at mayweatherer/pacquiao which is the most watched match in decades. but there are serious questions about whether the fight is going to take place. >> good morning, we learned that there's no signed contract between mayweather/pacquiao. and no tickets have been printed either. we asked pacquiao's manager this question if the agreement isn't executed by may 2nd there will still be a fight? he was noncommittal.
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and mayweather's camp said the terms have never changed. and fans are hoping obviously that this contract gets signed soon. yet, people have already spent big bucks on hotel rooms in vegas. and others who have dished out the cash the $9.95 for pay per view. in cleveland, lebron and kyrie irving stole the show. lebron said you take it kyrie, no you take it lebron. this happened all night. with teammates. duo scored all 24 points for the cavs. cleveland takes it 99-91. game three is thursday night in boston. in texas, the battle texans and mavericks in houston. and these two guys grew up together. friends since preschool and now nba teammates. just like playing on the
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playground. that unleashed some enthusiasm amount for j.j. turn down for watt. it takes the 2-0 series lead. now, the anticipation is finally over nfl fans. we know how your team is going to lose. the bills and falcons. the league released the schedule. it's the super bowl patriots john berman kicking off with ben and the steelers. and the bears hosting the packers in a prime time game. and a ceremony to retire the one and only bred favre's jersey at lambeau field. john if our patriots and bills meet up sometime in the playoffs i think you and i have to go to that game. and the loser has to do something crazy like wear no makeup on camera. >> i accept the patriots are playing most of their games in prime time which stinks for me which means i have to go to bed.
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news on no sleep. corey, thanks so much. growing concerns growing frustration, over the death of a man mysteriously injured after his arrest. what new witnesses coming forward are now saying. we'll tell you next. so go ahead, inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything.
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new frustration and now a new investigation. the unexplained death of freddie gray. the spine mysteriously severed during an arrest. what went wrong? what is being done about it? there are new developments to tell you about ahead.
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so the bombs had stopped very briefly, but there is new fighting. and new bombing over yemen. what does this mean for the possibility of calm there? and what does this mean for the u.s. involvement as it stares down iranian vessels off the coast? we have live team coverage breaking down the new developments ahead. welcome back to "early start," everyone. i'm john berman. 30 minutes past the hour. christine romans is off today. happening today, a new protest is planned in baltimore at the police station where officers brought 25-year-old freddie gray after arresting him ten days ago. somehow gray suffered a severe spinal cord injury. and exactly one week later on sunday he died. baltimore police have now released the names of the six officers involved in arresting and transporting gray. all six officers suspended now with pay. new witnesses are coming forward, describing the arrest
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as baltimore's mayor has vowed to find out what happened leading up to the fatal injury. >> i heard the young man screaming, get off my neck. get off my neck. you're hurting my neck. and then two cars pulled up shortly after that. one car door slammed. and then another. and they must have went to him, and he started hollering and screaming a little louder. and the police said shut the "f" up. >> there can't be any assignment of blame untilby know exactly what happened but we're going to get to the bottom of it. we know while he was in our custody, when he first engaged the police department he was alive. he was breathing, he was responsive. when medical attention came to mr. gray he was unresponsive and not breathing. we're going to figure out what happened. >> mayor stephanie rawlings-blake said by may 1st the results of that investigation will go to prosecutors who will then decide whether to file criminal
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charges. the justice department is opening up its own federal civil rights probe before the local investigation is even complete. our national correspondent miguel marquez covering the protests for us and has the very latest. miguel. >> reporter: john an incredibly emotional evening here in baltimore with up to 2,000 people turning out to see for the first time the parents of freddie gray who showed up here at the western district police station. this is the place where mr. gray was eventually brought after being arrested several blocks away from here. his parents, his mother in particular overwhelmed by grief, they marched from here back over to the place where he was arrested. and at that point, everybody raised their hands in protest. in a moment of silence, as the family literally, all you could hear is hear them wail. people in this neighborhood still focused on this tonight. i'm going to show you a little of that what protest earlier
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looked like. >> hands up! >> don't shoot. >> i want you to lift those hands as high as you can. i want this to be a sign to the baltimore city police department that this is not an act of surrender. but we are coming as a sign of strength as one unity, one commitment that we will not rest until we get justice for freddie gray. >> reporter: at one point, protesters started walking through the streets. they were aggressive even towards us but they weren't angry at us. they were angry at police they were angry at the situation. what they want are the six officers implicated in this
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charged with first degree murder. they say they're going to city hall they say, and stay there until they get justice, john. >> again, miguel marquez in baltimore. new this morning, the saudi-led coalition strikes to end the dispute against houthi remembers. houthi fighters have launched a new attack on the yemeni position but saudi arabia responded with new air viex onstrikes on the houthis. that to stop the pledge to stop the fighting. . what is going on? let's bring in nic robertson. nic. >> it all happened in the town of taiz a southern military down. that abrogated a deal that the saudis believe they have struck with the houthis being that the houthis would put down their weapons and leave the cities like taiz that they've taken
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control of it. the saudis responded against the houthis with air strikes. this really calls into questions the stability of that cessation of that air campaign that the saudis announced yesterday. part of that deal they believe, includes the former president of yemen ali abdullah assaidi, leaving. they also said the defense minister of yemen arrested by the houthis, they believe he is being released. that is part of the deal. so some parts of the deal being honored. in all of this al qaeda taking advantage of the instability in yemen. officials in yemen saying that u.s. air strikes killed six al qaeda operatives in the southern port see of mucala. >> saudi air strikes against the houthi a houthi raid and u.s.
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drone strikes against al qaeda all happening in yemen in just the last several hours. nic robertson, thank you so much. while that's going on a tense standoff offshore. as the u.s. plans to intercept iranian ships if they enter u.s. territory waters. they believe the ships may be carrying weapons for the houthi remembers. president obama that the navy ships are there to assure the free flow of international shipping traffic. >> what we've said to them is that if there are weapons delivered to factions within yemen that could threaten navigation that's a problem. we're not sending them obscure messages. we're sending them very direct messages about it. >> the at this point, iran is calling for humanitarian aid. they say they're backing a political process. it shows a deal between the united states and other powers
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the talks key talks resume today in vienna. let's bring in cnn international correspondent frederik pleitgen. fred is live there in vienna. what are you seeing on the ground among the iranians. >> reporter: it's very interesting, john. on one hand you feel that the iranian government is trying to compartmentalize the negotiations. and as well as a strong stance on fighting isis. on the other hand though seemingly wanting to move forward with those nuclear negotiations but there is optimism that those negotiations could bring up -- they are going to influence the entire negotiations between the united states and iran. you can feel that. you can feel people coming here and saying this could be a starting point of perhaps a better relations. i was able to speak to the commander of the iranian ground
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forces. this is somebody who never speaks to television that in itself is already progress from what we've been seeing here on the ground before. he said he hopes there could be better relations in the future but they're not there yet. let's listen. >> translator: at the moment we consider the united states to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us. we would like the u.s. to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in u.s. military leadership. >> reporter: and that general also saying that of course the military here is watching the negotiations and the nuclear deal could really improve relations on all levels between the u.s. and iran. of course, all the other parts with yemen and other issues as well john. >> moving parts just begins to describe what's going on. frederickk pleitgen inside iran. the full senate could debate
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legislation that would give dong to look at power with a deal with iran. the foreign relations committee approved a compromise of the bill. president obama had been promising a deal before the compromise. the president now plans to sign it as long as there are no significant changes in the house or senate. attorney general eric holder announced that the head of the drug enforcement association michele leonhart is now retiring. she's been under fire after agents engaged in sex parties. and leonhart told congress she did not have authority to fire the agents. following that a committee issued a bipartisan statement of no confidence. the white house declined to defend leonhart who has led the dea since 2007. eric holder is still in office because his replacement loretta lynch is still waiting for don firmation. her nomination has been held up.
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senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he expects to pass the human trafficking bill which would clear the way for a vote to confirm loretta lynch as soon as tomorrow. confirmation is expected for tomorrow. let's get an early start on "your money" right now. alison kosik here with that. good morning. >> good morning. we're seeing more red arrows as we see stock futures lower. the dow fell 85 points mostly because of disappointing earnings. dow don'ts dupont verizon and travelers all fell after reporting first quarter numbers. and chipotle also watching down about 6% at the bell. the chain reporting slower but still impressive growth. now, there's even more going on today for investors to process. we're going to be hearing from companies including boeing mcdonald's and coca-cola. of course facebook and at&t are
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opening up their books this afternoon. i especially want to look at facebook concerning instagram and whatsapp. they then those two sites. >> thanks so much. the sentencing phase for boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev. look at that picture. that is what the jury saw. and the dramatic opening of the sentencing phase. what effect will that picture have and what's in store for today. that's next. sometimes romantic. there were tears in my eyes. and tears in my eyes. and so many little things that we learned were really the biggest things. through it all, we saved and had a retirement plan. and someone who listened and helped us along the way. because we always knew that someday the future would be the present. every someday needs a plan. talk with us about your retirement today. when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let'stalk more over golf.
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what will the jury see today? impassioned arguments in the sentencing phase the boston marathon bombing trial. a jury must decide if convicted killer dzhokhar tsarnaev will get the death penalty. the prosecution opened in dramatic fashion portraying tsarnaev as a cold-blooded killer. and america's worst nightmare. they showed the jury a picture that people are still talking about today. let's get the latest from cnn correspondent alex sand dra field. >> reporter: john unrepenting, uncaring and untouched by the sorrow he's created. that's how prosecutors described dzhokhar tsarnaev in the opening statements in the penalty phase of this trial.
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they ending opening statements showing a picture of tsarnaev giving the finger to a cell camera. the jury has already found him guilty of the deaths of krystle campbell lingzi lu and 8-year-old martin richard. prosecutors said the victim has time to feel pain time to feel frightened but no time to say good-bye. sprers already call three bombing survivors to testify in this phase of the trial along with krystle campbell's brother and father. he told yours his daughter gave him a hug every day and that's what he had misses most today. john. >> thanks so much. all right. a special time of day for us trying to find out what's coming up on "new day." alisyn camerota joins us. >> hey, john we have a busy
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day. we will have more on the unexplained death of freddie gray. how was his spine injured while in police custody? we'll look into the investigation into baltimore police. we'll talk with maryland lawmakers on how to prevent something like this from happening. why can't they get answers? wee also we're also talkinging with the family. and saudi rebels ending the crisis. and the nuclear negotiations that are beginning again with iran. we'll talk about that at the top of the hour john. new this morning, 400 migrants rescued at sea including women, children. so many people fleeing war-torn regions. libya, syria. such a mess. what is being done to help. we'll tell you, next. g how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether.
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new details about saturday's deadly migrant ship disaster off of libya. more than 800 people are believed to have been killed in that wreck. and now there are astronomical estimates of just how bad the migrant crisis could get this year as more and more people try to flee devastated parts of north africa and the middle east. breaking just this morning, 400 migrants women and children have been rescued off the coast of
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sicily. cnn's karl penhaul is there. he joined us on the phone. karl what can you tell us about this ship? >> reporter: john for the last hour, we've been watching people 446 migrants get off an italian naval vessel. they were rescued after eight days afloat in the mediterranean. according to early survivor accounts they said they actually set sail from egypt. aboard the ship egyptians, there are syrians fleeing the civil conflict there. and there are africans from the fall of west africa as well. we've seen poverty and the fall of state and conflict areas as well. and this is really just looking at the migrants departing the ship you really get a sense of how bad things must be. these people cheating death just to get a chance at a new life. we have seen women getting off aboard carrying their babies in their arms.
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we have seen young children toddlers so small that they can hardly walk and yet, they're taking their first steps towards a new life. some of them waving clearly glad to be here. again, according to early survivor accounts. some of these people say that they've been moved to six different ships over the last eight days. since setting sail from egypt. they moved from one ship to another by different groups of smugglers. the italian police also on stand by here at dockside because they're looking through the migrants to see if the people mug smugglers are on the boat. 53 minutes after the hour. cheap gas great for drivers, so great in fact that people are trading in their hybrids. this is a troubling develop on this earth day? we'll tell you, next. for the adult and kid in all of us. (supergrass' "alright") plays throughout ♪ kellogg's frosted mini wheats®
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time now for an early start on "your money." alison kosik here with that. >> looks like we're in for a lower start which stocks open this morning. yesterday, we saw the dow fall 85 points mostly because of disappointing earnings. dow components dupont travelers and verizon. and as early season with boeing and coca-cola before the bell. hey, everybody, happy birthday. it's all about loving the environment, listen to this americans are saying something different with their money. gas may be cheap, down a dollar from last year but for some
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reason people are ditching their hybrids and their suvs instead they're using. 45% of people traded in a hybrid. suvs are becoming much more fuel efficient. smaller models they are the most popular. so john we're not seeing the return to prerecession gas-guzzlers. but we're seeing that return to suvs. >> you know suvs are practical. they take the whole family. you're obsessed with the hybrids being slow. you can go faster in a hybrid. >> every time i'm behind a prius, it doesn't move. mounting questions this morning over the death of a man mysteriously injured during his arrest. serious the justice department has now launched a civil rights investigation. >> i heard the young man screaming, get off my neck get off my neck. >> we're going to figure out
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what happened. >> the u.s. is now conducting manned reconnaissance missions in the waters off yemen. >> we're not sending obscure messages. we sent very direct messages about it. >> the $100 million for the primary campaign. >> could this be the most expensive election in history? >> that's a lot of chipotle my friends. >> i've been with cruise before and i never had this experience. >> over 2,000 passengers stranded on a carnival cruise ship. >> i thought i was going to die last night. this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. good morning. welcome to your new day. it's wednesday april 22nd. 6:00 in the east. the headline this morning is that baltimore is in crisis. hundreds taking to the streets protesting the death of freddie gray. you will remember he died a week after being taken into police custody, but it's what happened when he was in custody that is driving this outrage. answers are short. complaints are long.
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we still don't know what happened inside that prisoner van leading to several spinal injuries that took his life. >> baltimore police finally releasing the names of six officers involved now suspended with pay as the number of investigations jumps to four with the justice department opening a civil rights probe into gray's death. we begin our coverage this morning with suzanne malveaux. she's live for us in baltimore. tell us the scene there, suzanne. >> reporter: well alisyn we're outside of city hall. and this is where we expect protesters people in the community, the family of freddyie gray to gather on thursday to really try to figure out to get some answers from this government from city officials. they are extremely frustrated here. it has been ten days since freddie gray was actually taken into police custody. three days since he has died. and we know very little. the voices of demonstrators united making their point clear. ba


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